CAPPA trained, Jane consults with pediatric offices and hospitals and works with private clients to help new moms harness their unique intuition with evidence-based support and techniques. Jane has spoken regarding postpartum disorders such as PPD and PPA for staff at various venues including residents, doctors and other staff at Mass General Hospital in Boston, MA., the Providence Mom’s Blog BLOOM festival alongside postpartum professionals from Women and Infants Hospital, and various pediatric practices and mothers’ groups.
Jane not only brings education and certified techniques to those she works with but first hand experience having gone through postpartum depression and anxiety after the birth of her first child. It is her mission to educate new moms on self-care and the critical link there is between being a happy and healthy mom and having a happy and healthy baby. Her goal is making the transition to motherhood as stress-free as possible for mother and family while remaining unobtrusive.
Tender Mother Care Concierge offers postpartum in-home care to mothers who need the rest, privacy and care to return to normalcy after birth whether it be a routine birth or that of a more serious nature ie. traumatic birth/c-section. She is calm and steadfast in her approach offering medically-based care working alongside guidelines of client’s Individual provider. Jane also has a team of trusted people in the postpartum world from therapists and psychiatrists to IBCLC, nutritionists, ENT (for lip and tongue ties), GI for comic and reflux issues in infants and more so that moms can get to the right professionals during the stressful postpartum time.
She is a calm in a families’ earliest days as parents and nurtures through her gourmet cooking and tailored ‘Menu for Mamas’ as well as having the keen ability to tune in to the unspoken and very specific needs of each individual family.
Special interests: IVF, Postpartum Mood Disorders, Multiples and Premature Infants, Single moms